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Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn


  • Times tables at Churchfield

    Mon 16 Sep 2019

    At school this year, the children will be focusing on becoming more confident in their times tables.


    Years 2-6 will have times table homework books which they will use to complete their times table practise.


    You can support your child to learn their tables using games and songs. Here is one game to try:



    There are also a wide range of enjoyable times tables songs available on YouTube - why not try them out with your child?

  • Year 6 Ties and Prefects

    Wed 11 Sep 2019

    As you will see from the photograph, our new Year 6 have received their ties and are looking very smart indeed! We are pleased with the way that they are settling into being our role models in school.


    We have also chosen our new prefect team and head boy and head girl who will wear very special purple ties - please see the latest newsletter for all of the details.


We currently have spaces available for 2 and 3 years olds in our OUTSTANDING nursery. Please phone or see the Nursery section for more detail