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Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn

Collective Worship

  • Children in all classes are invited to join together in a moment of reflection and prayer, before lunch and at the end of the day.  There is a set school prayer, but sometimes classes will use their own prayer books or a child or teacher will improvise and lead the prayer. Children in year 5 have written our school prayer.  There is also a candle prayer said as we begin worship. 

  • Prayers were integral to our Easter learning. 

  • As well as our worship times, reflection areas provide opportunities for adults and children alike to explore their understanding of spirituality.  This includes parents and adults visiting the school, who will often be found looking through photos of the year and sharing personal memories and experiences.  

  • The worship plan means that everyone knows well in advance when worship is happening, who is leading and what themes are being explored.  The plan also makes it clear that all staff members are welcome to attend all worship times.    

  •  Most worships will include prayers, singing, a biblical story/theme/drama with the children participating in some way and a time of reflection.  Within the worship plan, there will be a variety of ways of worship, 

  • Sense of connection between school and local parish church with children showing reverence for the sacred setting. Each week, when the children attend  worships, they show respect for the church by entering and sitting in silence, engaging with the worship etc. 

  • Inclusion of stillness and reflection sets collective worship apart within the life of a busy school. 

  • Invitation to prayer and broad relevant and accessible content ensures Collective Worship is inclusive and inspiring. 

  • Use of carefully chosen songs enhances the experience of worship and provides opportunities for the children to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith.  A teacher and the vicar lead a church choir each Tuesday after school and the same teacher who is also music coordinator, leads weekly singing practice, providing a repertoire of songs for staff to use.  She has written a school hymn based on our PRAISE values. 

  • Children develop skills in presentation and gain confidence. 

  • Children have greater understanding and empathy for prayer when presented by peers. 

  • Uniform approach to the various elements of Collective Worship, for example Lighting of Candle, Candle Prayer and opening response. 

  • Children develop a sense of belonging to the wider community. 

  • School community experiences a range of theological perspectives and develops a appreciation of diversity of the Christian faith. 

  • Children see the act of worship as what is important, rather than the location.  Class worship has all the main elements that would be present if the children met for worship in the hall. 

  • Candle prayer used and known by whole school reinforces Christian distinctiveness 

  • The RE lead and Rev Martin meet each half term (from Summer 2022) to develop the worship rota for the following half term.  There is a narrative half term, following a book through from the bible – Summer 2 was Exodus – giving children a deep understanding of the structure of the bible.  The second half terms feature stories from the bible, developed over the week’s worship and related to the PRAISE values.  This broadens the children’s biblical knowledge and applies the messages from the bible to our everyday lives. 

  • Following the death of Queen Elizabeth, classes went to the church, lit a candle, stilled and wrote in the book of condolence.  The significance of the light of the candle, her memory living on in our hearts and the concept of legacy were explored.


We currently have spaces available for 2 and 3 years olds in our OUTSTANDING nursery. Please phone or see the Nursery section for more detail