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Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn

Character Development

  • The number of exclusions has reduced.  A more positive approach to behaviour management across the school together with explicit teaching about regulating behaviour and a mutual understanding about expectations have led to a more cohesive, forward looking model across the school.  Zones of Regulation are used successfully from nursery to year 6.  They have even been useful for some staff to regulate feelings!    

“I’ll be honest, as I was talking it through with the children, it really helped me get my head round how to turn my mood around!  After all, we set the mood in class and this has helped me to deliver a more positive outlook at all times!” Class teacher. 

  • Children are learning to monitor and regulate their needs and emotions.  Positive choices are encouraged and embraced by the majority of children. Use of coloured cards/ mood boards to express feelings. Explicit mental health discussions.  Discussions around resilience.  Teaching physiological understanding of emotions/behaviour.  In a year 4/5 class, children studied the brain, learning how the amygdala controls our reactions to perceived danger and related this to children who find being in the school environment challenging.  Greater knowledge aids understanding.   

  • Marking and teacher talk refers to PRAISE values and children are confident and happy in their use and application of PRAISE values.  These are underpinned by the RE teaching  Teachers refer to why we are learning and children feel comfortable and safe  to step outside their comfort zone. In a year 5/6 class, after the PRAISE days, the children have begun spontaneously applauding good work highlighted by the teacher showing respect, empathy and compassion 

  • Year 3 raise money each year as a part of their rainforest learning quest to buy an acre of rainforest through their own enterprise. 

  • Race for life is routinely run with lessons explaining why we are raising money and discussions, where appropriate, around families affected by cancer. 

  • A school wide initiative raised money for a leprosy charity following an worship to promote understanding of global issues.  The impact was to understand what life is like for some people on our planet and as a global, as well as a school community, it is our responsibility to be the best we can be – to be the person God created you to be. 

  • We work with the NSPCC.  Pre covid times, they led a worship and ran workshops.  They inspired the children – led by the school council – to participate in fundraising activities.  As well as fundraising, this gave the children an awareness of how difficult some children’s lives are and it empowered them to protect themselves. As part of our PSHE and RSE learning we have used the ‘PANTS’, ‘Speak out’ and ‘VEST’ schemes from the NSPCC as supporting documents for our learning. These documents have helped us to engage the children in different media forms.  

  •      In Spring 2020, Greta Thunberg visited Bristol and addressed a large rally.  Some of our parents and children attended the rally.   We marked the occasion by considering it in our daily act of worship and some Year 6s were inspired to make and then hold up banners at the end of the school day: encouraging parents and children to do more to protect our environment. Year 2 study significant people and a book about Greta is included in the curriculum. 

  • A child led initiative led to letters and pictures being sent to local key worker organisations.  The impact of receiving replies really focused the children’s minds on our core values and how they can be seen in action. 

  • Children have become more resilient leading to greater confidence in approaching all areas of learning. November 2021 Teachers report increased independence after a period, post covid lockdowns, where children’s self confidence and independence had diminished. 

  • “I was really worried, post covid, that the return to ‘normality’ would be really challenging but with the support network throughout the school, including parents, I think the majority of my class have become really independent, focused learners and of course I’m continuing to work through things with those who are still struggling.”  KS2 teacher 

  • Renovated the local war memorial gardens, beach cleans, planting around school to enhance environment – animal homes.  

  • British Science Week based on 'journeys', encouraging the children to think about the different scientific journeys that happen every day and how they can discover science through their own lives and experiences. It was also a chance for the children to consider how journeys can help us experience more of the world around us. 

  • Each year group planned experiments, trips and investigations on this theme using the British Science Week resource packs. Themes such as space exploration, the environment and animal & plant life were explored during the week.  On Monday 18th March we held a special ‘Star Scientist’ worship when we  recognised children who excelled during science week 

  • September 2022 The Churchfield Challenge has been launched with PRAISE, Christian and courageous advocacy running through its heart. 

