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Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn


  • Many children have minimal prior Christian and British History / Culture knowledge outside of the school environment. 

  • Raised awareness of bullying and STOP acronym led by year 6 mentors.  2022 – KIVA introduced.  Our parental OFSTED survey showed the majority of parents are comfortable that bullying is dealt with effectively in the school. 

  • Staff are secure in the knowledge that there are outside agencies they can contact should this be required. Parents also are signposted to these on our website and routinely in our newsletters. 

  • After school events thoroughly enjoyed by wide cross section of staff, fostering a greater sense of community.  All teachers lead clubs 2/3 terms. 

  • Positive impact of Safeguarding Coordinator on attendance. – See attendance data –  

  • Significantly reduced exclusions. 

  • ELSA provision contributes positively to resilience, attendance and reduces exclusion of supported children.  We have employed a full time Family Support Worker (September 2022) December 2022 – additional family support worker employed. 

  • Children observe PRAISE values in action through interaction with staff and each other. Ethos committee – could you do something up to date? 

  • Our school uses many kinds of extrinsic rewards and sanctions which are intended to encourage positive and self-disciplined behaviour; to create an understanding of the importance of collective achievement and to foster a high level of individual self-esteem.   

  • Starry sky reward system – when a child excels in any area – academic, emotional etc., they win a starry sky for their class.  When the class have a set number of stars, the whole class earns a pre-determined reward.   

  • To help us promote these skills of working together and positive relationships we have the following: 

  • An additional weekly SLT meeting where all the team share awareness of individual pupils’ needs, including achievements -particularly for high tariff or concerning children  

  • a School Council and regular 'Circle Time' opportunities 

  • A clear approach of listening to the views of all pupils, unpicking their concerns and ensuring all have time to be heard.  This is in line with our principles of ‘restorative justice’ - enabling pupils to disagree well and to practice forgiveness and reconciliation. 

  • The purpose of sanctions in school is to remedy negative or disruptive behaviour, not to punish individuals.  Use of a structured and consistently applied sanctions policy encourages our children to make more positive judgements in terms of their own behaviour. 

  • The whole school adopted the scheme of work for P.S.H.E.  Each lesson begins with reference to the Charter, which in turn emphasizes the importance of being respectful and kind. 

  • We take turns to speak. 

  • We use kind and positive words. 

  • We listen to each other. 

  • We have the right to pass or not answer. 

  • We only use names when giving compliments or when being positive. 

  • Identified Children and parents have found counselling (which we have sources and paid for) to be very useful – and sometimes this has led to the counsellor working with other members of the family, as well as the child.  A local charity which supports mental health in young people, In Charley’s Memory, supports identified children in year 6 for a day a week. 

  • The NSPCC workshop gave children an opportunity to discuss mental health issues and reflect on what they can do if they feel stressed and how they could support others. 

  • Staff had a buddy system set up where they were paired with another member of staff for wellbeing support.  

  •  Well-being committee is in place and impacting positively on staff.  There are monthly events such as bowling, wreath making, axe throwing (therapeutic!) and even a tour of Thatcher’s cider farm (purely for research reasons, of course!). 

  • In mental health week, 9-15 May 2022  we were very happy to join with the national theme and promote the virtue of ‘kindnesses. We want our children to realise that that even in these uncertain times, kindness is prevailing; that amid the fear, there is also community, support and hope.  The added benefit of helping others is that it is good for our own mental health and wellbeing. It can help reduce stress and improve emotional wellbeing.  

  • Awareness has been heightened and provision put in place to support good mental health, for example, posting on the school website links to NHS/British psychological Society/NSPCC advice on supporting well being and mental health;  

  • During lockdown, all of the staff were asked to complete an online course to help us identify and respond appropriately to children suffering from ACE (adverse childhood experiences). This will also be disseminated to staff who began with us at the school after this date (Sept 2022 – Rosie)  

  •  The school was aware that lockdown had been very stressful for certain members of staff and the need to maintain social distancing could also be isolating.  Staff meetings and a weekly quiz night aided communication and bolstered team spirit and morale. 

  • Photographs were taken of classroom Reflection Area these were then share on our Church Facebook Page. Photographs of our whole school Remembrance Poppy displays were shared with the newsletter and on Instagram.  

  • All children had a home visit Sept 2022, forging stronger links between home and school. 

“I wasn’t sure why you needed to visit, but, oh my goodness, what a difference it has made!  xxxxx is much more excited to come into school and thinks you’re part of the family!”  KS2 parent 

“Initially, I was worried about the visits but they were so valuable in term of seeing where the children live, what pets they have and forging a really positive relationship with parents.”  KS1 teacher 

  • Churchfield Challenge launched Sept 2022 and well received by staff and parents. 

“I love this idea and look forward to doing it with my kids,” parent 

“I really like the sound of this and I think both my children will find 
things they really enjoy on this.” parent 

“Love the link with the D of E and I think this really gives a tremendous breadth to what we are providing in school” KS1 teacher 

  • Communication with parents – many are unable to access written communications – all letters sent home also added by video to Famly.  During home visits staff made it clear to parents help is available in school for form filling etc.  Office staff show parents how to access and use the school meals booking system. 

  • Within our school community, free school meals are offered to all children attending nursey and also to all members of staff. 

