Get In Touch


Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn


 To report absence: contact: Angela Fey

Telephone: 01278 782743



We all know that when children are in school and are happy they learn best. This enables them to make progress and develop more within themselves. It  is  the  aim of  Churchfield  Church School  that  pupils  should  enjoy  learning, experience success and realise  their  full  potential.  Our  Attendance  Policy reflects this and recognises that  regular  attendance  has  a positive  effect on  the  motivation  and attainment of  pupils.


We welcome children in from 8.40am where they can head to their classrooms and begin to enjoy their breakfast we provide (see breakfast section for details!). Registers are taken at 8.55am so we ask that all children are in their class and ready to learn by then so they can be marked on time. After this time they will be marked with a late code in the register. Gates will be closed at approximately 9 a.m. so any children coming in this time will need to head through the main office and then into class. If it is after 9:15 your child will receive a unauthorised register code for being later after register closes and a valid reason must be provided or it will remain unauthorised.


All classes have the offer of a free breakfast (bagels, toast, cereal- sometimes even crumpets). This might be a second breakfast for some or a way of helping speed up the morning routine at home. We also run a paid breakfast club- contact the office for details. 


If you know your child is going to be late or absent then please contact the school office as soon as possible. This should be done on a daily basis. Please do not wait for us to contact you as this reduces the time the admin team can spend on other duties and tasks. 


While it is ultimately your responsibility as a parent/ carer to ensure your child's attendance, as a school team we want to work with families to support attendance as soon as possible. This can be through written communication or through meetings/phone calls to support you to help your children improve their attendance to help them learn more.


If you ever have any concerns around attendance or getting children into school in the morning please speak to the office to arrange a call back from the following staff.


Your child's class teacher in the first instance.

Family Support Workers- Elaine Tillum or Mandy Triggol

Ms Angela Fey for admin/ paperwork enquiries.

Mr M Anderson Deputy Head


Safeguarding and attendance are often linked so you might also want to speak to Mrs Claire Brewer our safeguarding officer.








We currently have spaces available for 2 and 3 years olds in our OUTSTANDING nursery. Please phone or see the Nursery section for more detail