Get In Touch


Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn

Contact Details

Churchfield Church School

Burnham Road,

Highbridge, Somerset


Telephone: 01278 782743


School weekdays 8 am- 4 pm


Communications received after these times will not be picked up until the next school working day. Most staff teach or are directly responsible for children between at least 8:30am and 3:30pm. Some work longer hours and we also have several part time staff so please be patient and we will contact you as soon as is practicable. 


 To report absence: contact: Angela Fey

Telephone: 01278 782743



Communication procedure

 Please see your child’s class teacher in the first instance with any concerns.

Staff will be welcoming and sending home children at the beginning and end of the day so it may difficult to have a confidential conversation at this time.  Please call or email the office to request a private 10-minute phone appointment or face to face meeting (Contact details above).


After October half term 2023, teachers will be making positive phonecalls home each week so please look out for these.


If you have spoken with your child’s teacher but your concerns remain, please then request via phone or email to speak to either: 


  • EYFS leader – Mrs Z Parker
  • Years 1-3 Phase representative Mrs L Swarbrick
  • Years 4-6 Phase representative– Mr M Kitchen
  • Safeguarding – Mrs C Brewer
  • SEND- Mr Parrington (Thursdays) Ms Harris (Fridays) following referral form from class teacher



The matter may then be referred to the most appropriate member of SLT (Senior Leadership Team) Any member of SLT may address issues around behaviour and their main responsibilities are as follows


  • Ms C Greene Executive Headteacher ( strategic leadership of Churchfield and St Michael’s, Bath) 
  • Mrs C Howell ( day-to-day running of Churchfield and Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mr M Anderson Deputy Head teacher ( Attendance)
  • Ms C Greene Inclusion Lead (SEND)
  • Mrs K Rhodes Assistant Head (teaching and learning)


The Trust and its schools aim to resolve complaints informally where possible and at the earliest stage. However, there may be occasions when complainants would like to raise their concerns formally. This policy outlines the procedure for handling such complaints. If you have not followed the above communication procedure the clerk to Governors will refer you to this and pass the email back to the school.


Chair of Governors: Louise Adams (c/o clerk)


Clerk to Governors: Ms. Sue Chance

Please be aware that this email account is not checked daily and there may be a delay in responding.  Alternatively, please contact the Chair of Governors about relevant strategic matters via the school email at:




If you require any paper copies of the information on this website free of charge please enquire at the office.

Trust Contact Details



Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust 

St Nicholas Church School, Kilmersdon Road, Radstock, Bath BA3 3QH

‘That they may have life, life in all its fullness’ John 10:10 


Twitter @BathWellsTrust | Facebook /BathWellsTrust 


Telephone: 01749 372700

Contact Us


We currently have spaces available for 2 and 3 years olds in our OUTSTANDING nursery. Please phone or see the Nursery section for more detail