Get In Touch


Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn


SEND team


Our SENDcO is Mrs Laura Searle.


She is supported by Mr Tom Parrington (Thursdays) and Ms Oriele Harris (Fridays)


You should speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance. They will then complete a referral form and Mrs Searle will allocate one of the SEND team to the case.


Enhanced Provision

We run two enhanced provision small classes, one for Ks1 and one for KS2. They are called Taunton and Bristol class respectively. Mrs Packer is the class teacher responsible for both and splits her time as equally as is practicable between them. She is supported by a team of teaching assistants and Higher-Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs).  . 

These are for children who need additional adaptions and support to successfully access the curriculum and make progress. This includes changing the environment/ rooms. They are bespoke provisions with highly personalised learning for the children. Mrs Packer is now the class teacher responsible for both classes a

Our enhanced provision consists of extra materials, resources and even practitioners to provide for the children’s needs. We use this to tailor and enhance their learning. By building on observations made while watching children play and learn, special themes and activities can be supplied to children as part of enhanced provision. Children are encouraged to experiment and practice their learning through access to different creative play opportunities and activities. Physical activities and challenges are provided to children as part of their everyday classroom learning. They have access to a wide range of resources to scaffold and support their learning and a more flexible timetable. 


Some of the key benefits that enhanced provision provides are: 

  1. The chance to experience, consolidate and re-visit learning- sometimes over and over again. 
  2. Versatility and adaptability for practitioners/teachers to cater certain tasks according to interest, need and ability. 
  3. Greater opportunity to introduce new ideas and for children to experiment. 



For more information

Contact the School Office on: 01278 782743 or speak with our SENDCo Mrs Laura Searle

Further Support

You can also access support from Somerset special educational needs and disability information, advice and support (SENDIAS) at 01823 355578 or


We currently have spaces available for 2 and 3 years olds in our OUTSTANDING nursery. Please phone or see the Nursery section for more detail