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Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn


The Published Admission Number for entry to the Reception Year (PAN)

The admission number indicating the minimum number of places available in the Reception year is currently published as 60.

Children starting school for the first time in September (the ‘normal’ admissions round) will be admitted up to this PAN, without condition, in accordance with the School Admissions Code.

The Admissions Authority is entitled to increase the PAN at any time, where it determines that more places can be made available without prejudicing the efficient delivery of education or the efficient use of resources. Any increase to the PAN will be notified as an alteration to this statement.


We also run agreed in year admission limits for certain year groups according to current need and resources to ensure the efficient delivery of education. The admissions committee meet regularly to review these. We also have a waiting list in some year groups managed by our oversubscription criteria. 


The current limits are as follows

Reception- 60 

Years 1 - 6 - 60 each


If you wish to contact the school re an admissions query, or submit a form electronically, please use this email address:


In addition, please read the note below re submissions of applications electronically


Application forms and Appeal Forms may be posted or hand delivered to the school Office or submitted as an attachment to an email. Please be aware that: By submitting your Application or Appeal Form as an email attachment, you are effectively agreeing to the full terms of the declaration set out in Section 4 of the Application Form or Section 5 of the Appeal Form, in the same way that you would be if you signed the declaration in person. If you do not agree to this arrangement, please do not submit your application or appeal by email.

In Year Applications


If you would like to apply for a place in the school during the academic year please complete the In Year Application form below (a copy of birth certificate and proof of address is also required). Once we have received your completed application we will respond within 10 school days to advise whether your child has been offered a place.

