Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
Our curriculum is progressive and sequential and is underpinned by the curriculum vision which focuses on the needs of our pupils and enables pupils to develop academically and spiritually (see website)
Increased emphasis across the school on reading and recommendations have appeared in the weekly newsletter. We have introduced a reading wheel of fortune during Friday’s worship, where children see their name on a spinning wheel if they have read 5 times that week. It is presented in a game show style to excite and enthuse children.
Pupils enjoy quiet and time to reflect – as reflected in pupil voice and governor monitoring.
All classes have reflection areas with clear focus on the Christian distinctiveness of the school – this will encourage individual reflection and the opportunity for prayer within class and can be used to enhance/support current learning in RE. The PRAISE club developed and put up a display for remembrance in the whole school reflection area, mirroring the one done in the church. This gave the group ownership of the area. There were contributions from children across the school. This can be seen in our over-subscribed prayer club.
Ensures all classes have a reflection area which meets the needs of the children and demonstrates the Christian Distinctiveness of Churchfield
Children are provided with learning opportunities which build on their previous knowledge and understanding and moves their learning forward at a fast pace. This is evidenced in the small steps seen across all subject areas in the school, be it RE, Maths (WRH), Curriculum Maestro etc. There is a whole school vision regarding progression, most recently Rebecca Lihou has developed an EYFS programme which can be used throughout the school to break SEN children’s learning into granular steps as well, of course, as the EYFS pupils.
All children have been well supported throughout lockdown, whether in school or learning at home, and the range and variety of activities planned and delivered including RE and worship has ensured a high level of engagement throughout leading to increased independence and drive to aspire to be the best they can be.
There is a sense of community and consistency within that community. Adults and children feel valued and behaviour has improved as the children’s sense of worth has increased. Quotes/exclusion figures, please.
Children understand that our PRAISE values are important and that they underpin all that we do in school. They are beginning to engage more fully in thinking and talking about what it is to be in a church school, and about their own spirituality, leading to increased independence and drive to aspire to be the best they can be. In September 2021 and 2022, the school held PRAISE days where the children considered the real impact of our PRAISE values on their everyday lives. These led to hall displays and lively classroom discussion. It focused everybody across the school’s minds on the impact and importance of our PRAISE values. Rosie – pics of hall displays/class displays
There is a sense of community and consistency within that community. Adults and children feel valued and behaviour has improved as the children’s sense of worth has increased. Link to parent survey for Ofsted, please
Curriculum accessible to all learners, clear differentiation, teachers aware of document, ‘Support for Children with Different Learning Needs’ (AMV document).