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Churchfield Church School and Nursery

Learn to love, Love to learn

Anti-Bullying Week

During anti-bullying week in school, we had assemblies and lessons all about what bullying is and what school does to stop bullying. Children also wore odd socks to school on Tuesday to celebrate the fact that we are all different to each other.


The school council worked with their classes to put together an 'Anti-Bullying Toolkit' which are now displayed in classes.


We also sent home a letter to parents. This was in response to our Parent View survey during parents evening where many parents felt that they did not understand how the school deals with bullying.


We shared some key messages with children:

1) Bullying is when someone is unkind to them several times on purpose (STOP).

2) If a child is being bullied, they need to speak with their teacher or a trusted adult.

3) The school will speak with the parents of all children involved.


