A message to all children from Rev. Dan and all at St. John's Church
As your time at school changes…
As you leave your school today,
know that you go with our love and our blessing.
When you have the chance,
go outside and enjoy the rain or the sunshine.
Smile and wave, do a little jig, or sing a song to those who can’t leave their homes.
When you eat, pause and remember those who may be eating less, or having to eat things they don’t really enjoy.
All those things we learn about and practice at school, our PRAISE values (Perseverance, Respect, Acceptance and friendship, Independence, Selflessness, Empathy and Compassion) well, here’s your chance to really do them.
Be forgiving - people are feeling a bit stressed.
Be patient - sometimes you won’t be able to do the things you want to
Be generous - share something if you can, even if it’s just a smile.
Show respect - everyone is precious and valuable, even when they are being difficult.
Encourage one another - we are all feeling a bit wobbly.
Try not to moan or fight or say things which might hurt. And keep on trying.
Look out for Rainbows and daffodils; they are signs of hope and promise when times are hard.
Store up your stories and smiles until we are back together again.
Hug those people you can and above all show love to one another, over and over again.
Remember, above everything else, that you are valued, and you are loved.
Rev Dan and all at St John’s Church, Highbridge